Writing • Strategy • Creative Direction




Good health starts with what you eat

The health & wellness industry is overflowing with misguided fit-fluencers, claiming to have all the answers. But nutrition is personal, and science trumps trends. The problem is knowing where to find it.

MyFitnessPal (the OG of food-tracking apps) offers legit guidance and easy-to-follow eating plans to help people find their own version of “healthy”. I partnered with MFP in creating launch campaigns to drive plan sign-ups. Here are a few of our greatest hits.


The Insight
Women are concerned they aren’t getting the nutrients they need to feel their best. They turn to social media for answers, but get lost in the nutrition noise. They don’t know who to trust or where to start. 

The opportunity
MFP’s registered dietitian-designed nutrition plans unlock and unblock. The Eating for Impact Plan is specific to women’s health concerns and rooted in research. It delivers what they need to be successful.

The campaign
Make nutrition your superpower


The Insight
High-protein diets are extremely popular, and the majority of MFP members are die-hard meat eaters. However, overconsumption of animal protein isn’t great for our health or the environment.  

The opportunity
Without villainizing meat, get users to incorporate more plant-based protein into their diets by showing them that it’s good for their health, and the health of the planet.

The campaign
Healthy plate, healthy planet